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轻松搞定招教英语教案——《What time do you go to school》

未知 | 2020-09-28 11:15



  不管是对资历颇深的老老师还是初出茅庐的新老师,写教案是至关重要的必备技能。虽然它并不能保证每一节课堂都是“功德圆满”的,毕竟鲜活的课堂随时都有突发状况和不可预料的情形发生。但你要明白,“孩子的眼睛都是最雪亮的”,在你踏进教室的那一刻起,他们好奇的探究的小眼睛会第一时间捕捉到信息,“这个老师没有准备好”,而从那一刻起你就已经最起码60%的信任与配合。That would be a disaster !




  英语课堂有多种类型,因此英语教师在授课之前需要有清晰的界定,才能起到“事半功倍”的效果。接下来我们分别以不同类型的英语课堂为例,看看如何轻松搞定英语教案这个“小妖精”。英语教学要求学生掌握听、说、读、写,这四项技能,那么这一期我们以人教版七年级下册第二单元《What time do you go to school》为例,来谈谈听说课程教案。

  OK,如大家所见,这节课出现在单元的最前面Section A,在知识技能方面是希望学生通过这部分学生掌握听说技能,在学生心理层面是希望能起到活跃课堂吸引注意力的效果。

  (一)分析教材 Analyze the teaching material


  What time do you go to shool ? This lesson is a speaking lesson. It plays a very important role in English learning of this unit. In this section, Ss get chance to speak out, and what is more, while they do the practice together, this would help build a pleasant teaching atomasphere for the following study.

  (二)分析学情 Analyze the students





  Ss in Grade 7 have already learned English for quite a long time, and have already grasp some certain expressions. They are curisous and willing to cooperate, this life-related topic would inspire their motivation to join the speaking.

  (三)教学目标 Teaching Aims


  知识目标(Knowledge Aim)

  技能目标(Ability Aim)

  情感目标(Emotional Aim)




  Knowledge Aim: In this lesson, Ss can learn some certain phrases, like get up \ go to school \ get dressed \ eat breakfast \ take shower.

  Ability Aim : After learning this lesson, Ss got to practice their oral English, they could use those phrases in their everyday life.

  Emotional Aim: Speaking practice is a good way to let the Ss to get to know each other. While they do the cooperation together, their friendship will grow stronger. And what's more is that Practice make Perfect, certain speaking practice will help them to speak out bravely.

  (四)教学重难点 Key and Difficult Points



  Key and Difficult Points:

  1. Learn the set phrases when expressing daily activities, mainly because of the different verbs in different phrases. 2. Learn the different expressions of talking time, Ss are easy to get confused while choosing different prepositions.

  (五)教学方法 Teaching Methods

  英语教学方法有很多,使用频率最高的是TBLT - Task based teaching Method (任务型教学法)、Audio-Visual Method (试听法)、TPR - Total Physical Response(全身反应法)、Situational Approach(情景教学法)、Communicative Method(交际法),每一种教学法各有不同,适合不同年龄段的学生和不同课型。

  针对我们这篇课文节选自七年级下册的听说联系,结合学生的学习和心理状态,选择Audio-Visual Method和TPR都是非常出彩的选择。

  In order to aim our teaching goal, we use different kinds of teaching methods to encourage Ss willing to join in our class. Using body language to inspire can make the Ss focus on what the teaching is doing, they pay attention to what is new. By doing group work, they could share their daily life with others, the daily life related topic would help them to open their mouths.

  (六)教学过程 Teaching Procedure

  教学过程是一篇教案的重中之重,课堂的每一流程,上一步和下一步是否衔接流畅都体现在其中。对于一节全新的课堂,教学过程大体上可以概括为四大流程:导入——新授——练习——巩固。但结合不同课型来讲,又略有不同,有各自的特点。拿我们听说课为例,则是warming up - presentation - practice - consolidation。

  Warming up的主要作用是在课堂开始前的活跃效果,调动起学生的好奇心和注意力。其中热身的内容可以与本节授课无关,如大家一起唱首歌,或是一起起身做个小游戏。当然也可以和我们的授课内容相关联,比如在讲天气的课程中,导入可以选择与之相关的Edelweiss。


  Step 1: Warming up(5‘)

  In the warming up section, I will invite the whole class to stand up to sing the song Teddy Bear with me. According to the lyric, we will add different kinds of gestures, like turn around \ touch the ground \ shake your hands.

  Step 2: Presentation(15’)

  ① I will first prepare a clock model ahead of the lesson.

  ② I will change the clock to different times, ask them “what time is it now ?”“7!”。

  ③ Then I will do different kinds of gestures, ask them “what am I doing ?”“You're getting up”。

  ④ At last I will then ask them “ I get up at 7. So when do you get up?”

  ⑤ We will change this practice with other set phrases like dress up \ eat breakfast.

  Step 3 : Practice(10‘)

  After the presen, the Ss need to do the practice by themselves.

  In order to give everybody a chance to speak, I choose to use pair work to do this practice. “ Please interview your partner, when do they do … ? ”。

  Step 4: Consolidation(10’)

  In order to do more practice but with different kinds of practices, so in the consolidation section the whole class will do a competition together.

  I will divide the whole class into three groups. We will use Magic Figure to add some interests element. First I will do a gesture, like listening to music, then show the class with my fingure, like three figures. That means the class need to speak out “listen to music”in three times.

  And the first group to finish this fast and correct will win !


  Lesson Plan

  Analyze the teaching material

  What time do you go to shool ? This lesson is a speaking lesson. It plays a very important role in English learning of this unit. In this section, Ss get chance to speak out, and what is more, while they do the practice together, this would help build a pleasant teaching atomasphere for the following study.

  Analyze the students

  Ss in Grade 7 have already learned English for quite a long time, and have already grasp some certain expressions. They are curisous and willing to cooperate, this life-related topic would inspire their motivation to join the speaking.

  Teaching Aims

  Knowledge Aim: In this lesson, Ss can learn some certain phrases, like get up \ go to school \ get dressed \ eat breakfast \ take shower.

  Ability Aim : After learning this lesson, Ss got to practice their oral English, they could use those phrases in their everyday life.

  Emotional Aim: Speaking practice is a good way to let the Ss to get to know each other. While they do the cooperation together, their friendship will grow stronger. And what's more is that Practice make Perfect, certain speaking practice will help them to speak out bravely.

  Key and Difficult Points

  1. Learn the set phrases when expressing daily activities, mainly because of the different verbs in different phrases. 2. Learn the different expressions of talking time, Ss are easy to get confused while choosing different prepositions.

  Teaching Procedure

  Step 1: Warming up(5‘)

  In the warming up section, I will invite the whole class to stand up to sing the song Teddy Bear with me. According to the lyric, we will add different kinds of gestures, like turn around \ touch the ground \ shake your hands.

  Step 2: Presentation(15’)

  ① I will first prepare a clock model ahead of the lesson.

  ② I will change the clock to different times, ask them “what time is it now ?”“7!”。

  ③ Then I will do different kinds of gestures, ask them “what am I doing ?”“You're getting up”。

  ④ At last I will then ask them “ I get up at 7. So when do you get up?”

  ⑤ We will change this practice with other set phrases like dress up \ eat breakfast.

  Step 3 : Practice(10‘)

  After the presen, the Ss need to do the practice by themselves.

  In order to give everybody a chance to speak, I choose to use pair work to do this practice. “ Please interview your partner, when do they do … ? ”。

  Step 4: Consolidation(10’)

  In order to do more practice but with different kinds of practices, so in the consolidation section the whole class will do a competition together.

  I will divide the whole class into three groups. We will use Magic Figure to add some interests element. First I will do a gesture, like listening to music, then show the class with my fingure, like three figures. That means the class need to speak out “listen to music”in three times.

  And the first group to finish this fast and correct will win !

  这样一篇听说课的教案就完成了,see, you can nail it ! 那么下一次,我们再一起聊聊如何完成一篇阅读课的教案吧!



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