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轻松搞定招教英语教学设计Shall friends be the same or differe

未知 | 2020-09-28 11:16




  而根据阅读课程内容分析,老师需要引导学生掌握对词、词组、句子、语法,也就是字词句段篇章的把握。这一点与我们之前接触到的听说课又有很大的差异。如何循序渐进地进入课程,如何突出重点,甚至如何在这篇阅读之后能有所心得感悟,也是听说课所不能及的深层次问题。与听说课warming up - presentation - practice - consolidation不同,阅读课在教学设计上是以时间轴划分,课程设计线条为 pre-reading --- while-reading --- post-reading。

  “实践出真知”,我们还是以人教版教材中的课文为实例作为讲解。这次我们选的课文来自八年级上册第三单元Section B当中的阅读《Shall friends be the same or different ?》。

  Step 1: Pre-reading

  阅读课的Pre-reading和听说课的warming up环节非常类似,主要起导入的效果。但是在内容选择上务必是与阅读材料相关联的,这一点是与warming up的不同之处。


  以我们这篇阅读材料为案例,在Section B最上方,出现了一个问题shall friends be the same or different?这就是一个极好的提示,可以围绕这个话题邀请学生描述他们最喜欢的朋友是什么样的人,也可以让学生分小组就该问题进行小组讨论。这样的安排也体现出初中阶段的学生拥有一定的语言素材,同时也具备相应的思考能力。

  In the pre-reading section,I will first divied the whole class into different groups. And then give them 5 minutes to discuss the question “shall friends be the same or different?”。 After the discussion, I will invite some of them to share with the class with their answers and why do they think so.

  In the end, I will tell the class“Today we will know three different friends, and each of them have different personalities and hobbies.”And them we can move onto the while-reading section.

  Step 2 : While-reading


  First I will ask the students to do the reading all by themselves with the task to underline all the comparative words and phrases in the passages. This section won't lasts long, I will give them six minutes to fulfill the task.

  Then I will draw a form on the blackboard and invite the students to write down the coparative words descriping different personalities.

  And next I will lead the whoe class to do the reading again. And this time I will ask them questions according to the passage, like,

  “ How does Jeff thinks about the question? Does he prefer to be the same or different ? Is he and his best friend are both quiet ? ”

  “ How does Huang Lei thinks about the question? Does he prefer to be the same or different ? What kind of sports do they love to play ? Why they are so different?”

  “ How does Mary thinks about the question? Does she prefer to be the same or different ? What's her favourite saying ? What does Mary thinks the most between friends ?”

  Then in the end, I will invite the whole class to thinks which of the three could mostly be their friends and why.

  Step 3 : Post-reading


  In the post-reading section, I want the whole class could learn somthing to use in their daily life with others, so I will give them a new task to write a short passage to suggest one of their best friends.


  Lesson Plan

  Step 1: Pre-reading

  In the pre-reading section,I will first divied the whole class into different groups. And then give them 5 minutes to discuss the question “shall friends be the same or different?”。 After the discussion, I will invite some of them to share with the class with their answers and why do they think so.

  In the end, I will tell the class“Today we will know three different friends, and each of them have different personalities and hobbies.”And them we can move onto the while-reading section.

  Step 2 : While-reading

  First I will ask the students to do the reading all by themselves with the task to underline all the comparative words and phrases in the passages. This section won't lasts long, I will give them six minutes to fulfill the task.

  Then I will draw a form on the blackboard and invite the students to write down the coparative words descriping different personalities.

  And next I will lead the whoe class to do the reading again. And this time I will ask them questions according to the passage, like,

  “ How does Jeff thinks about the question? Does he prefer to be the same or different ? Is he and his best friend are both quiet ? ”

  “ How does Huang Lei thinks about the question? Does he prefer to be the same or different ? What kind of sports do they love to play ? Why they are so different?”

  “ How does Mary thinks about the question? Does she prefer to be the same or different ? What's her favourite saying ? What does Mary thinks the most between friends ?”

  Then in the end, I will invite the whole class to thinks which of the three could mostly be their friends and why.

  Step 3 : Post-reading

  In the post-reading section, I want the whole class could learn somthing to use in their daily life with others, so I will give them a new task to write a short passage to suggest one of their best friends.

  这样一篇阅读课的教学设计就完成了,see, you can nail it !



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